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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.

Our Animal Friends
Good design speaks to humans and pets alike. Our homes for dogs and cats offer comfort and security — and bring beauty to our beasts.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.

Our Animal Friends
Good design speaks to humans and pets alike. Our homes for dogs and cats offer comfort and security — and bring beauty to our beasts.

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In his descriptions of human and planetary evolution, Rudolf Steiner frequently spoke of the great sacrifices made by the animal kingdom so that humanity could stand upright, walk on two legs, and speak. We owe our animal companions a profound debt. One hundred years ago Steiner designed the First Goetheanum, an architectural landmark of wood and slate. The principle of metamorphosis was everywhere evident in that building, reflecting the dynamic experience of space accessible to the developing human being.
We hope that applying some of those design principles to the construction of animal habitats may enhance our pets’ sense of well-being.
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“Cateanum” Detail

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“Dogeanum” Detail

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The Cateanum is made to fit snugly under the Garden Bench.
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Being “sent to the Dog House,” has long been an expression of severe opprobrium, and no wonder! The houses to which our dogs (and other pets) are sent are all too often improvised assemblages of scrap wood at best, or molded plastic igloos at worst. We have set out to change that.
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Framed by two Marcel Breuer chairs, our oak and pine doghouse is as much a piece of living room furniture as it is a cozy sanctuary for our dog Lucca.

Its flat roof of oak boards, finished with food-quality virgin olive oil, even does service as an informal coffee table.

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The “Cateanum” was designed for our cat Clawsna, who loves the outdoors. Even when called inside, she often chooses to spend the very coldest nights in her outdoor house, nestled in thick layers of straw, sometimes joined by her fellow feline Pawsna. The Cateanum is best placed in a semi-sheltered area, such as the porch shown above, but it will survive moderate amounts of rain and has weathered some heavy snowstorms.